
Virtual fitness is here

virtual fitness

Virtual fitness classes are here!

Commencing on Monday 10 September we will have an additional 54 classes on the group exercise timetable per week. Jump in and experience a class for yourself!

What is Virtual Fitness?

Virtual fitness is technology based group exercise played via a large screen in the group exercise studios. It’s designed to provide members with a group exercise fix at any time of the day and encourages more people to engage in group exercise that may not normally participate in such classes.

Why are we offering virtual classes?

We know how busy people’s lives can be. Virtual fitness allows increased flexibility to exercise with more options for our members to attend their favourite classes throughout the day.  These classes will be running in off-peak times where there are no instructor-led classes.

Is Virtual replacing the live, instructor-led classes?

Definitely not – We are committed to provide live instructors as the ultimate expression of our classes at PARC. Nothing can compare to the amazing experience our group exercise instructors create in every class. We know that a recording can’t reach the heights that our instructors can with building personal connections and providing one-on-one coaching. Virtual provides greater options for our members to attend group exercise outside of peak times when instructors aren’t available.

What programs are available as Virtual workouts?

BODYBALANCE, BODYCOMBAT, BODYPUMP, CXWORX, SH’BAM and RPM are currently available in the Les Mills Virtual format. The program releases are updated every three months with new choreography and music to ensure they are fresh and in line with the latest research.

What about the safety of the members in the virtual class?

Participants receive proper instruction on safety and technique as the classes are based on regular programming and instruction, and also feature additional safety guidelines at the start of the workout.


Click here to view our group exercise timetable.

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We’re upgrading the lights and CCTV in our carpark to enhance safety and user experience. Over the next week, some car spaces will be unavailable as we complete these works.

Thank you for your patience. 

Your intentions set your Pace in 2025 💪

What word best describes your health and fitness goals or intention for 2025? It can be whatever you want! Your word sets your Pace. 

Here are some ideas to get you started:
- Balance: Mental and emotional health through physical well-being. 
- Community: Finding friends who support and motive my health 
- Me! A happier, healthier me 

Your Pace at PARC is about your health and wellbeing on your terms, and we believe that your journey is as individual as you are. Create your Pace Phrase and kickstart your journey at PARC with a wide variety of options to match your health and fitness needs.

#parcfrankston #atyourpace #healthandwellbeing #healthgoal #wellbeinggoals #frankston
Happy Valentine’s Day PARC Fam! 💕 You’re our forever Valentine. 

#parcfrankston #valentinesday2025 #frankstoncity #frankstongym #healthandfitnessmotivation

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