
How to cancel Splashtown obstacle course session

Blue background with words 'How to cancel Splashtown booking'

Have you booked a Splashtown obstacle course session for the school holidays and need to cancel it?
Here are the easy to follow instructions:

  1. Login to your Eventbrite account
  2. Navigate to the top right corner of your browser, and click on the downward arrow near your user profile.
  3. Click on Tickets in the drop down menu.
  4. Click on the PARC Summer splash event ticket.
  5. Click on the Cancel Order button on the left hand side.
  6. Select the Yes, Cancel This Order

You should receive a confirmation email from Eventbrite that your order for the event has been canceled.

If you experience any issues in cancelling your booking after trying the above steps, please email our helpful team at


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🚨Cafe Closure🚨

Please note that the Cafe will be closing early tomorrow at 5:00pm on Thursday 27 February. A friendly reminder that hot food will close 30 minutes prior. If you usually grab your coffee or snack at the Café during your visit, please make other arrangements.

We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.

#PARCFrankston #Cafeclosure #Closingearly
Your intentions set your Pace in 2025 💪

What word best describes your health and fitness goals or intention for 2025? It can be whatever you want! Your word sets your Pace. 

Here are some ideas to get you started:
- Balance: Mental and emotional health through physical well-being. 
- Community: Finding friends who support and motive my health 
- Me! A happier, healthier me 

Your Pace at PARC is about your health and wellbeing on your terms, and we believe that your journey is as individual as you are. Create your Pace Phrase and kickstart your journey at PARC with a wide variety of options to match your health and fitness needs.

#parcfrankston #atyourpace #healthandwellbeing #healthgoal #wellbeinggoals #frankston

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