
April Member Spotlight: Sally M

Member Spotlight

This month Sally M has been nominated for our monthly member spotlight due to her dedication, consistency and enthusiasm. Sally is a regular attendee of Small Group Training, Powerzone and Fit Reformer.

Sally has been nominated for: Dedication, consistency, enthusiasm every SGT session and group fitness class!

Regular classes:

SGT, Powerzone, reformer

How long have you been a member with us?

6 years at PARC & 12 months as a Small Group Training member

This year is about finding your future you, in 3-6 months’ time, where do you see yourself and what goals are you setting to get there? 

I’m trying to do a lot more strength training. I do in SGT and 1-2 strength sessions per week (the new Recomp program). I want to improve my strength. Since I started SGT I feel much more confident moving through the gym and using the equipment. I used to only do classes and felt a bit intimidated doing weights in the gym but now I feel much more confident.

Over the last 12 months, I’ve tried to listen to my body. I used to do mainly cardio but now I’m focusing more on building strength to help by body at my age. Tracey has really helped me realise how important it is for my body and healthy ageing.

What motivates you?

I get a sense of satisfaction and feel a lot more positive in myself after my workouts. It’s about my mental and physical health. Training is an outlet and is important for me to get me out of the house as I work from home full time.

Do you have a training buddy? 

Yes, my friends Chris and Sharon. We enjoy doing the Recomp program or classes together.

Why do you love PARC?

I love the trainers and the people! I find it’s a comfortable space to be in and be around likeminded people. I’ve met some great friends through the gym. There is a lot of variation in classes and class times, and I love that there are people of all ages and fitness levels coming to PARC.

What is your biggest achievement at PARC?

In the last 12 months I’ve learnt a lot about strength training through SGT. Now I feel comfortable in myself to be able to do strength training on my own and recognising my ability to push myself to achieve higher goals than I ever thought possible. Being part of SGT has pushed me further in my strength sessions and now I can match my training buddy’s kg to kg in my sets!

What is your favourite class or service?

Small group training.

Congratulations Sally!

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