
Dive into summer swim skills this winter!

learn to swim

It’s winter outside, but it’s always 30 degrees at PARC! With colder temperatures and shorter days, the pool temperature has been raised to fight the winter chill.  The temptation for parents to stop swimming lessons in winter is quite common, as they believe it will prevent their child from becoming sick, but is this really true? Swimming in winter builds children’s immunity, making them more resilient to those winter bugs, as well as ensuring they become safer around water in time for summer.

Studies show that continuity of lessons is crucial to improving swimming ability, helping progression and skill retention, and like anything, practise makes perfect! In keeping with our mission to deliver children with the best possible skills, a PARC Swim membership includes unlimited Centre access. This ensures our children and parents can realise the full benefits of regular swimming practice.

Doctor Paul Gastin, Associate Professor of Sport Science at Deakin University and Co-Director of the Centre for Sport, says “children reap the benefits of year-round swimming lessons.  For children, being strong and confident swimmers in summer should be a result of consistent participation throughout the year without breaks.”

For more information on our learn to swim program, call us on 9781 8444.

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