

Member Seminar | Thursday Feb 4th at 6.30pm in Studio 1 

Join our resident Nutritionist, Mel H, for a member seminar to help you kick start your healthy eating goals in 2021.  

Mel is the Principal Naturopath, nutritionist and Western Herbalist at One Life Health and is focused on helping people rediscover their health and vitality.  

In the seminar Mel will be covering: 

  1. SMART Goal Setting – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-based
  2. Meal planning and setting yourself up for success
  3. Why diet is just as important as exercise
    • What are good options for each meal and macros
    • The importance of water
  4. Remember the ‘Whys’ – why are you doing this – how you feel right now, how you want to feel
  5. Other factors that contribute to weight gain and not feeling great
  6. Body Scans – why you shouldn’t be scared of them or the scales.

So, if you want to learn more about nutrition to help guide you on a healthy path for 2021 then book now for the seminar via our Group Exercise timetable on the website or your MyPARC app. 

We have limited placed in Studio 1 and will also be streaming it on our online digital platform   

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