
Stage 4 Restrictions: Update to Services

As you know, Victoria entered a State of Disaster last night. Metropolitan Melbourne also moved to Stage 4 restrictions with stronger rules to limit the movement of people, and the spread of this virus. It’s an uncertain and challenging time, so now, more than ever, it’s important to feel connected, and do our best to stay active and focused on our health and wellbeing.

Throughout this unusual and unprecedented time, we wanted to remind you of the various health and fitness solutions that you can access through PARC, and provide an update on our services:


All Outdoor Personal Training to move to Virtual

Stage 4 restrictions place new, tighter restrictions on exercise and limits any organised sport. As a result, our face-to-face Outdoor Personal Training sessions will cease, and will be replaced by our Online Personal Training solution. For those of you booked in for an Outdoor PT session this week, your Personal Trainer will be in touch about how you can easily transition this workout from face-to-face to our Online Personal Training offering – that you can do safely from home! We are offering anyone who had an Outdoor PT session booked in the chance to try our Online PT for free this week! Your trainer will be in touch with next steps!


Online Personal Training

Workout from the safety of your home, whenever it suits you! Join our Online Personal Training, via Zoom. Offered at a special rate while PARC is closed, we have sessions all throughout the week, and you can elect to do it in a group, two-on-one or one-on-one.

To find the right session, trainer and group for you, please email

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PARC Your Way – FREE

PARC Your Way is our online health and wellbeing platform, which includes a library of over 300 recorded workouts and classes, plus a full weekly timetable of live-streamed classes – all led by the PARC instructors and personal trainers you know and love! This week we will be busy adjusting to the new restrictions so we ask that you be patient while we equip our trainers to be able to live stream and record from their homes. We will also scale back the LIVE timetable, due to the current situation, but with over 300 videos already in the library, we are sure there is a workout for everyone on PARC Your Way!

Access to PARC is completely free and open to PARC and non-PARC members. Give it a go today!

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PARC Your Way Active Kids – FREE

Do you have young children at home? Are you home schooling? Or know someone who is?

At PARC Your Way we want to keep children active during lockdown, and help families who are home schooling, so we are adding 3 classes each week, just for kids!

We will be keeping the sessions simple and easy to follow, aiming at the 5 – 12 year old age group, with each class running for 20 minutes to cater to the shorter attention span of our children! Sessions will include everything from basic movement patterns, agility, circuits, meditation, balance, Pilates, yoga, games and challenges!

Note – you will need to set up a free account in order to join the class.

We hope both you and your kids enjoy!

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PARC Your Way Challenge – FREE

This Challenge isn’t about losing weight or gaining muscles, it’s all about being active during lockdown and looking after you, your body and your mental health! With a holistic approach to health and wellbeing, our Challenge is here to make sure you find time everyday to do something active.

The Challenge started in July, but as all the content is recorded, you can join anytime and catch up in your own pace. Daily workout videos, holistic wellness education sessions, and a chance to connect with the team at PARC!

Note – you will need to set up a FREE account in order to join the Challenge. Unlimited access is free, and available to both PARC and non-PARC members.

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Having trouble signing up?

If you want helping signing up to our Online Personal Training, or for questions on PARC Your Way, please email and we will be in touch to help you.

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Your intentions set your Pace in 2025 💪

What word best describes your health and fitness goals or intention for 2025? It can be whatever you want! Your word sets your Pace. 

Here are some ideas to get you started:
- Balance: Mental and emotional health through physical well-being. 
- Community: Finding friends who support and motive my health 
- Me! A happier, healthier me 

Your Pace at PARC is about your health and wellbeing on your terms, and we believe that your journey is as individual as you are. Create your Pace Phrase and kickstart your journey at PARC with a wide variety of options to match your health and fitness needs.

#parcfrankston #atyourpace #healthandwellbeing #healthgoal #wellbeinggoals #frankston
Happy Valentine’s Day PARC Fam! 💕 You’re our forever Valentine. 

#parcfrankston #valentinesday2025 #frankstoncity #frankstongym #healthandfitnessmotivation
We’re excited to welcome Exercise Physiologist Jesse Murphy and his team, Compass Allied Health, to PARC! 
Compass Allied Health offers:
✅ Exercise Physiology
✅ Physiotherapy
✅ Therapy assistance (AHA) 
✅ Support workers (NDIS)
Jesse has proudly brought his expertise in exercise prescription to Frankston and surrounds for over 8 years. He is passionate about supporting people achieve their goals through exercise intervention. Jesse has extensive experience in screening/assessments and prescribing personalised exercise programs for all ages and various needs including athletes, injury and post-operative rehabilitation, chronic diseases, and a range of physical and neurological conditions both within private practice and under the NDIS. 

What’s available? 
Services are available for both Private and NDIS: 
Private health insurance rebates available
GP referral NOT required.

·  Gym based - 1:1, Group/buddy training, Programs
·  Specialised groups - ACL Rehab
·  Hydrotherapy
·  Home visits
·  Online Telehealth via zoom 

(GP referral required) 

·  Medicare - EPC 
·  WorkCover 
·  TAC
·  DVA

Introductory offer: (T&C’s apply) 

Discounts for multiple services are available to both CURRENT and NON members for:

- Kickstart Packs 
- Initial Assessments 
- Running assessments 
- Lower back pain assessments + stability program
- Maximal strength testing 
- Program modification 

Head over to @compass.alliedhealth socials on Instagram to find out more! 

#parcfrankston #alliedhealth #exercisephysiology #exercisephysiologist
Our popular Small Group Training Come & Try session is back! 🏋️‍♀️

Join us for a fun, complimentary Saturday morning workout where you can experience a Small Group Training session. Meet the team, workout with a group of like minded people and learn how our Small Group Training can help you meet your health and wellbeing goals at your pace. 

These sessions are open to our Full Access members, and can be booked via our Customer Portal - link in bio. 

📅 When: Saturday 22 February 
🕘 Time: 8.00m and 9.00am 

Want to learn more about Small Group Training membership? Visit our website or chat to one of our trainers! 

#PARCfrankston #smallgrouptraining #smallgrouptrainingsessions #personaltraining #personaltrainingsession #frankstoncity #trainingbuddies
Skate Park Leagues is coming to Frankston Skate Park on 22 Febraury!

Locals will battle it out to claim the crown and gain points towards the Victorian Melbourne Metro Series League Ladders. Skate, scoot or BMX - there are heat times for each category. 🛴🛹🚲

Everyone is welcome to compete, so come on down and enjoy the show! We hope to see you there.

Visit Skate Park Leagues website for more info:

#FrankstonSkatepark #PARCFrankston #SkateLeagues #Competition #SkateScootBMX

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